
Missions is about supporting and sending.  
Christians are already a vital part of missions simply by being part of the Lord's church, but He also calls us to service in the mission field.  Let's explore Missions together.

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.”

Mark 16:15

The final words of Jesus to his disciples were to carry his message to all people. The first century Christians preached the Gospel throughout the known world without any advanced technology to assist with travel and communications. Imagine how much we can accomplish in this modern age! We are all called to make Him known and together we work locally, regionally and across the globe to shine our light and carry the Good News to all who seek Him.

Missions Outreach We Support

Costa Rica

Members travel annually to Costa Rica and go from home to home engaging individuals in Bible study and inviting them to nightly gospel meetings and a  
daily Bible School for children.


Christians at Kirkland travel to Africa and bring the message of Jesus along with providing assistance to local gospel preachers.


For decades, Kirkland and its members have supported preachers and congregations throughout this island nation. Many have come to Christ through this work. 

Local Support

There are so many opportunities to teach Jesus right here at home. We provide support to local works in Mount Vernon as well as assistance to Christians in need across the country.

Encouragement from the Philippines

"We recently joined a Zoom call with members from multiple congregations in the Philippines who have various health concerns. It was encouraging to hear their stories and see how faithful they are despite all their challenges. One of the ladies, Kat, had lost her husband to cancer, while her sister was suffering through chemo treatments. Yet, with a huge smile on her face, she thanked us for taking the time to study and pray with them-- as if we were the ones making the sacrifice. Their belief in God's promises are edifying and serve as a consistent reminder to us."

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