Help & Resources

Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We want to be helpful to you on your spiritual journey.
It starts with a conversation. 

Help is Available

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus calls His people to be a light to the world and to serve. We are here to help seekers find Jesus, commit their lives to Him and serve others as we are called to do. Can we pray for you? Are you searching for answers to spiritual questions? Are you looking to join a church family who will help build you up and strengthen your faith? Let us hear from you!

Prayer and Study


Can we help you and pray for you?
  Reach out to us and let us know how we can help with your prayer needs.

Individual Bible Study 

You can connect one-on-one in person, or virtually, and learn more about God's plan or simply have your questions answered.
 It's just a click away!

The Big Picture of the Bible

Hearing the story of the Bible and God's eternal plan changes lives.
The Big Picture presentation takes an hour or less. It is designed for those who have never been exposed to the Bible or who want a simple refresher course.  An hour spent understanding God’s point of view will weave together history and Bible stories bringing to life the plan God has for each of us.

Assisted Living & Nursing Home Outreach

We know it can be tough for those of us who need to live in assisted living or nursing homes. You want to continue your relationships and to serve God despite often having limited mobility. You are not forgotten! If you are a Christian living in these facilities you desire the fellowship of other believers and the comfort of the Scriptures. And those who are living without a relationship with Jesus Christ need the light and love that a believer can share through their faith.
Our goal is to glorify God by taking His Word and Songs to your location. We will come to you and provide spiritual support if you are a resident, family member or employed at a facility. You will be encouraged through Scripture reading, musical worship and prayer.

Ask for help

Reach out so we can connect and serve you.