
We teach Jesus and spend our time together in God’s Holy Word. Promote fellowship with one another and grow in knowledge and faith through a variety of Bible classes including interactive group discussions, informative lectures and in-depth Bible study. 

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

You will be built up and inspired in Sunday morning classes, spend time studying scripture in our Wednesday evening adult class or participate in one of our meetups or small groups. Or. if you'd like, you can request a one-on-one study.
Jesus tells us “If you abide in My word you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”- John 8:32


Sunday Morning

Come early to Church at 9:30 and join a class that's right for you.  From Bible study, to topical lessons for all age groups, Kirkland has a class for you.

Wednesday Bible Study

Wednesday nights at 7:00pm is for the whole family and community to join.  We focus on a book of the Bible, and you can join at any time.

New Believers Class

This class is for new Christians and helps build a foundation for your faith.  you'll learn how the Bible is structured, God's plan for His Church and what he expects of us in worship and daily life. Prepare to be informed and uplifted!
Reach out to us if you'd like to join the next class, as they occur regularly.

The Big Picture of the Bible

The Big Picture presentation takes an hour or less. It is designed for those who have never been exposed to the Bible or who want a simple refresher course.  An hour spent understanding God’s point of view will weave together history and bible stories bringing to life the plan God has for each of us. The Bible and its message of hope and redemption is simple, straightforward and compelling.

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