You are welcome to Praise the Lord with us!
Worship Sundays 10:30 am & 5 pm
Doy is the Evangelist for the Lake Gibson church of Christ in Lakeland, Florida. He will be presenting a series of important lessons on the "The Kingship of Jesus - Bible Authority in the Light of Scripture". These lessons are imperative to you and the Lord’s church and we encourage you to join us. They will be simply understood, deeply foundational and will help you in your understanding to the work and worship of our Great God in the light of scripture.
Doy grew up in California and has been a gospel preacher for nearly 40 years, working with several churches throughout the US. He's been married to Laurie for 38 years, and they have three grown children and 7 grandchildren. He is currently working with the Lake Gibson church in Lakeland, FL while teaching full time in the Biblical Studies faculty at Florida College. Special interests include worldview issues, apologetics, Bible authority, and hermeneutics.
Doy grew up in California and has been a gospel preacher for nearly 40 years, working with several churches throughout the US. He's been married to Laurie for 38 years, and they have three grown children and 7 grandchildren. He is currently working with the Lake Gibson church in Lakeland, FL while teaching full time in the Biblical Studies faculty at Florida College. Special interests include worldview issues, apologetics, Bible authority, and hermeneutics.
Latest Sermon
Watch Ben Keehn's and Caleb Speer's most recent message or search our online library of sermons by subject, date or speaker. Audio-only versions are also available for listening and and can be found under the MEDIA link.
Helping You Grow
Our Bible Classes are available for all ages on Sunday morning at 9:30am and Wednesdays at 7pm.
Individuals and families are all welcome to join us.
Individuals and families are all welcome to join us.
Meet the Team
Our team of Elders and Evangelists are here to help you on your Christian walk and to guide and equip the Church. We hope you'll say hello when you visit. All of them care deeply about people, love to teach others about Jesus and desire to be helpful to you on your spiritual journey.
Big Picture of the Bible
The Bible and its message of hope and redemption is simple, straightforward and compelling.
Would you like to spend an hour that could change your life?
Would you like to spend an hour that could change your life?
About Us
Get to know more about us and what to expect when you visit.
The Kirkland Church of Christ is a non-denominational church committed to creating a place where people are warmly welcomed and accepted. Our focus is on evangelism and teaching people about Jesus. We enthusiastically pursue international mission opportunities, local preaching, informative Bible classes and weekday community Meetups.
Our singing style is acapella worship music that is current and uplifting and sermons that are easy to understand and applicable to our daily lives. We hope to meet you soon!
Let us Pray for you
You do not have to bear the burdens of this life alone.
God loves you and wants you to turn to Him in prayer.
We are here to pray with you --and for you
God loves you and wants you to turn to Him in prayer.
We are here to pray with you --and for you
We hope to meet you
Special events are a great time to meet members of the church, fellowship with neighbors and friends, and grow in your faith. Feel free to check out any of these upcoming events. They're open to all and a great way to get to know us.