
 “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness,  but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.”

- 2 Peter 3:9

God calls us to strengthen our faith, study His Word, obey His commandments, be a light in the world and lead others to Jesus Christ. You will learn, grow and serve as a part of the Kirkland church family. 

Sunday Morning 


Our worship services are uplifting and inspiring. We devote this time to praising God and remembering the great gift of His Son who died for the sins of the world. 

Bible Classes

Sunday morning Bible classes are open to all and exist to provide fellowship and for all to grow in knowledge of the Lord. Classes are informal and interactive and are held while children learn with their age groups.

Meet Ups

Do you have knowledge of the Bible or are you just beginning to give it a serious look? Come study with us. Groups are meeting in several locations on the Eastside, near Seattle and in south Snohomish County. Each meetup is stand-alone. You can attend regularly or less frequently whenever your schedule allows.

Women Devoted to Prayer

God listens when we come to Him in prayer. Our weekly women’s prayer group meets on Tuesdays at 10:30am in the church library. Can we pray for you?


Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights

You'll have the opportunity to learn about Jesus and spend our time together in God’s Holy Word. You will be able to promote fellowship and grow in knowledge and faith through a variety of Bible classes including interactive group discussions, informative lectures and in-depth Bible study. 

Care Groups

Care Groups are informal small group gatherings where you can spend time in fellowship, get to know others better and make deeper connections. Time is set aside for prayer and short devotional as well.
Care Groups are open to all members and their families, as well as frequent visitors, and are held on Friday nights during the fall, winter and spring months.

Contact Us

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